As the first full moon in the Lunar new Year rises an exciting energy of creativity can be felt. 2024 - the year of the Wood Dragon reveals a narrative of abundance and growth through an entertaining display of magnificence and generosity. The Wood element is connected to Earth..
What's another word for New Year Resolution?
Are you experiencing this pattern - make big New Year resolutions - break them in the first week - guided by shame and guilt - we revert back to even unhealthier habits than before. Sound familiar? Seems to defeat the purpose doesn’t it!
So why is it too easy to break our resolutions and should we apply a more positive approach?..
Unlock the Secrets of Cold Pressed Oils for a Healthier Body and Planet
When choosing oils for our skin it’s wise to make an informed choice about what’s best for both our bodies and our planet. We always choose cold pressed and, where possible, virgin and certified organic. But what is the difference between cold pressed and refined oils and how can we work towards a healthier future for our planet?
Plant Based Scents Makes Sense
The rise in popularity of plant based scents illuminates a shift towards a more user-friendly and authentic olfactory experience with numerous benefits for our well-being and environment. Here’s why we create inspirational, plant based scents that kick the butt out of synthetics!
Boundaries, Strength and Stability
When you develop your own system of boundaries, beliefs and an “I will” list, you can use them to create a solid foundation - a positive default setting. Remember to use positive language when creating your mantra : if we recite what we don’t want we could end up attracting it...