Boundaries, Strength and Stability

“Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.” – Brene Brown
Boundaries – we need them to feel safe, balanced and protected. Of course, breaking them can happen all the time, which often takes us out of our comfort zones and makes us appreciate balance when we do experience it.
When my boundaries are compromised (common as a solo mother to four girls!) I feel a mild drowning sensation, like I’m in the element of water and have lost control of my body and its response to the situation. I know when this happens, I need to earth myself - immediately.
Navigating blurred boundaries
First, note what your body is saying to you. Is your posture tight? Can you feel tension in your throat? Second, breathe, breathe and breathe more! Third, listen to the quiet voice within, which is often a struggle to hear when boundaries are crossed. You may tell yourself, ‘It’s okay’ but deep down, you know it’s not.
A practice to set boundaries
Start developing a boundary practice by exploring your core beliefs. Define these by writing them down. Create a relationship with your beliefs, then set them to work in your boundaries.
I think of my boundaries in mantras such as, “I am a source of strength and stability”. I developed an “I will” list, which contains clear but powerful messages to myself and the universe. In my boundary practice, I chant the seed mantra LAM, which is the sound associated with muladhara (base or root chakra).
When you develop your own system of boundaries, beliefs and an “I will” list, you can use them to create a solid foundation - an empowered default setting. Remember to use positive language when creating your mantra : if we recite what we don’t want we could end up attracting it.
Boundaries are primarily ruled by the base chakra and when they are challenged, it will often manifest in an unwanted or anxious feeling in the heart chakra and chest.
The Plant Potions I AM EARTH scent reconnects us to our base chakra to promote strength and stability. It contains smoky quartz crystals for grounding and centering and sandalwood, which is soothing which can also help to connect you to the earth.
Use this beautiful blend to develop a positive relationship with your boundaries and find the ultimate support - from you to you.
Love, Lou xx