Rebirth: A period of new life, growth, or activity; a revival. (Oxford dictionary)
And then, it was quiet – inside and out.
Like millions of families around the globe, a hush fell over us in the shadow of Covid in March. The outer world faded and it was just me, my girls and my yoga mat. During the quietness of lockdown I gave myself permission to process and heal the emotions stemming from two yucky relationships. Being a dedicated solo mama to four beautiful girls, a committed yogi and yoga teacher and holding down a day job, I’d always just ‘got on’ with things but finally, I was listening to the real me and I liked it. In fact, I loved it. This was the biggest rebirthing sensation in my life so far.
A spontaneous rebirth
Deeply attracted and dedicated to ritual and shamanistic practice since childhood, it seemed like everything I had offered to others over the years for their growth – the yoga, chanting, beautiful product rituals, laughter, music and dance – came straight back to me in an almighty blast of unconditional love. I remembered that I was a source of unconditional love and I needed to give some of that love that I give back my way! Suddenly, the timing of everything made sense on a heart level. I knew it was time to step into a new path of life.
The Rebirth Range is born
What my personal rebirth meant for our beloved Plant Potions was taking a deep, loving look into the core of our offerings. With my heart and values empowered and working closely with a cosmetic scientist, we have developed new, full-bodied expressions of your favourite Plant Potions signature scents. We’ve also introduced fresh colours and new look to our simple and elegant style. Back to work!
‘Before enlightenment – wash dishes – after enlightenment – wash dishes’ Buddhist proverb
Of course, now I am mega-busy again but the motivation and energy inspired from my rebirth has made my existence lighter and brighter than ever. I have lovingly instilled strong boundaries and stellar standards in every area of my life.
I hope that our Rebirth Range can continue to create and maintain abundance for you, and to spread light and love around our beautiful planet.
Love Lou xx
& Inca, Eartha, Awa and Padme xx