What's another word for New Year Resolution?

‘Cheers to a New Year and another chance to get it right’, Oprah Winfrey
Are you experiencing this pattern - make big New Year resolutions - break them in the first week - guided by shame and guilt - we revert back to even unhealthier habits than before. Sound familiar? Seems to defeat the purpose doesn’t it!
So why is it too easy to break our resolutions? We create an Olympic style challenge only to fall at the first hurdle.
Rituals are such a foundational structure for our Waiheke Island based aromatherapy company. Plant Potions creates Inspirational, Plant Based, Scent Rituals for the body and beyond. We too are nourished by the embodiment of our daily rituals that not only infuse our mahi with meaning but also establish a structured and supportive framework for the journey towards self-awareness, reflection and growth. Our rituals manifested during planning and production inform the direction and credibility with which we aspire to.
K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple Sister
But what about our personal goals? Simple reigns supreme when it comes to personal planning. Especially as our emotions are so directly affected by our victories and pitfalls in life. Isn’t it more healthy to aim for quantifiable aspirations that lift our spirits that attune with our inner motivation and also reflect our current path of purpose?
Three Things..
At Plant Potions, we have created our ‘Three Things System’ We have formulated 3 Things that we aspire to bring into being for 2024. Our Three Things underpin and inform all of our decision making, directions and evolution for the coming year. Our ritual feels like home - we breathe into it daily and it helps us to grow and spread illuminating light around our planet.
And so..
We invite you to map out your own words and meaning - be it resolution or ritual or goal or even our Three Things - feel into what you respond the most harmoniously to. I disagree with Oprah - it's not about 'getting it right' - moreover, it's about sensing that juicy feeling of knowing that sits close to your heart.
May beautiful fruits grow from these seeds,
Louise x