I AM LOVE - An Everyday Campaign X

Why do we only celebrate LOVE on Valentine’s Day?
Plant Potions has launched the I AM LOVE campaign (#selflovechallenge) for Valentine’s Day, a beautiful way for our people to share loving connections back into the heart of the self.
Inspired and lifted by our scientifically-formulated, plant-based essential oils and massage candles, our friends Lil and Hina showcased their love with joyous ocean play and the effervescent couple Brad and Tobias relayed some of their wedding vows with both hilarity and sincerity. We also had the honour of holding space and embrace for Kat (pictured) as she shared her journey of self-love after recent challenges that turned her world totally upside down.
So special and indeed a blessing! And while this experience was inspirational and fun, it has left me with the question:
“Why do we celebrate LOVE only one day a year?”
Now, more than ever, love needs to be at the forefront of our planet. Too many people are struggling and we need to reconnect with our heartspace as a foundation for making decisions, progress and happiness.
I believe that on a functional level our minds have shaped our reality and how our self-worth is expressed. Many of us feel trapped. Of course, there are many deep layers to oppression but the tone of this sentiment is to highlight the human condition in its most simple form: we are light beings, literally composed of, from and into LOVE.
“How you gonna love someone else if you don’t love yourself ? Can I get an Amen?” – Ru Paul, Drag Race
It starts with the self. Yes you. For you, to you, by you and for you.
And so.. Here’s a lil challenge -
For the next two weeks, start your day with writing three things that you love about yourself. Observe your reactions: how you respond to how others treat you, whether good or not so good. Witness and note any changes – subtle or obvious – in how you feel during this transformational process. Remember, it takes two weeks to create a new habit, so allow yourself this ritual and honour this time.
As a solo Mum of four, I find it imperative to have a strong sense of foundation - I often slip - so I’m on this challenge with you. Let’s do it for ourselves, together! I’d love to see your progress with the #selflovechallenge on Insta and Facebook.
Big love, always.
Lou X